My Approach


My Approach

At the heart of my practice lies a holistic approach to health and well-being, one that intertwines physical nourishment with mental clarity and emotional balance. With over a decade of experience as a Certified Functional Medicine Nutritionist, I’ve learnt that true health extends beyond what we eat—it’s about how we nurture every part of ourselves.

My work isn’t just about prescribing diets or supplements; it’s about understanding the deeper narratives that shape how we relate to our bodies and our health. Having personally navigated challenges such as body dysmorphia, addiction, and mental health struggles, I recognise the importance of a compassionate, non-judgemental space for healing. I’ve also explored the transformative power of psychedelics, which have provided me with profound insights into self-love, vulnerability, and overcoming trauma. These experiences have changed the way I approach coaching, transforming it from a purely evidence-based model to one that incorporates personal development and lived experience.

I guide my clients through a journey where nutrition is just one pillar of a larger framework for well-being. Whether it’s tackling body image concerns, managing burnout, or focussing on long-term health, my approach is about helping people reconnect with their bodies in a practical, sustainable way. Together, we work to optimise your physical health while building the self-awareness and resilience needed for lasting well-being.

My approach includes:

  • Nutrition & Lifestyle Consultancy: Tailored nutritional advice and lifestyle strategies to suit your individual health goals.

  • Functional & Genetic Testing: In-depth testing to understand your unique biology and optimise your health from the inside out.

  • Mindset Coaching:  Empowering you to shift mental barriers, foster resilience, and create sustainable habits for long-term success.

  • Breathwork: Guided techniques to manage stress, improve focus, and support overall mental and physical well-being.