Personalised Nutrition, Breathwork & Mindset Coaching


Functional Nutritionist

With over 10 years of experience as a certified Functional Medicine Nutritionist, I have built a diverse and successful career. During this time, I founded and operated an award-winning retreat company, ran a clinic on Harley Street, consulted for numerous companies regarding product design and employee well-being, and authored a book.

Practitioner Researcher

I have completed a Master’s Programme in Transdisciplinary Practice, where my thesis focused on the use of psychedelics in addressing trauma and lived experience. My aim is to evolve my practice by exploring the often-overlooked connection between trauma and lived experience and its impact on health and well-being. I work with my clients to address mindset and emotional healing, guiding them towards deeper self-compassion and a more holistic approach to their health.

Breathwork Facilitator

Through my discovery of the transformative power of breathwork, I have cultivated a deeper sense of peace and presence within myself. After completing a 400-hour Conscious Connected Breathwork facilitator course, this practice has played a key role in shaping my evolution as a practitioner, guiding me to work with clients in a more mindful and authentic way. Breathwork is a tool to reach areas where nutrition and lifestyle modifications can’t, offering a profound pathway to deeper emotional and mental healing.

Featured In

About Daniel

Award-Winning Nutritionist


Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (IFMCP)

Breathwork Facilitator

Practitioner Researcher in Trauma & Transpersonal Lived Experience

Over 10 Years of Clinical Experience

Helped over 1000 clients find better health


Naked Nutrition: An LGBTQ+ Guide to Diet & Lifestyle

Naked Nutrition is the first LGBTQ+ health-focused guide to diet and lifestyle. It covers a wide range of subjects, giving detailed, practical advice on LGBTQ+ health matters, including:

  • Weight Loss & Muscle Gain

  • HIV Nutrition

  • Sex

  • Transgender Health

  • Addiction & The Party Lifestyle

  • Mental Health

  • Fertility nutrition